Category Archives: Motivational

Avoid the Summertime Blahs!

Summer Sun
Summer is coming quickly—that busy time of year that is filled with vacations, camp meetings and summer youth camps.

So what are you doing this summer? 

Whatever you do, don’t let yourself or your music team dry up or regress this season! Here are several ways you can stay fresh during the summer months

Your music team

  • Refresh  choruses your praise/musicians team learned over the past year but didn’t quite “jell.”
  • Review songs you want to incorporate into music program in coming months.  By listening and learning just one or two songs during the summer months, you’ll be prepared to start your fall music program with a whole lot less stress!
  • Find out when your musicians and praise singers have scheduled their summer vacations.
  • Plan to use less experienced singers and musicians to fill in.  With enough time and preparation, even mediocre musicians can play for a few worship services.  Begin training as soon as possible!
  • Provide lead sheets to all of your fill-in musicians.
  • Encourage fill-in musicians to play in children’s church or Sunday School to get more experience.
  • Sing “re-runs” or repertoire with which they are already familiar.  However you MUST go over parts again to refresh them.
  • Cut back on your choir practice schedule to every other week or once a month.  Don’t cut choir completely out!  It is hard to re-motivate the choir into activity again! Use smaller groups such as duets, trios, ensembles, and chorales to fill in your music schedule.

Your Personal Musicianship….

If you only play with chords or by ear, teach yourself to read notes! Learn to sing intervals and identify them by ear. (See Major Scales and Intervals file.)Focus on learning several new chords (diminished 7th, augmented, etc.) and learn to use them in new progressions.

Preparation is Where It’s At!!!

Behind the scenes preparation is vital! Think about it—everything we do requires preparation. For example, kitchen prep is the life blood of any restaurant. We sort and pre-treat our clothing before we do laundry. Before we go on vacation, we service our cars and prepare our homes to be away.

Likewise, we MUST do “prep” our music talents—learning new chords, voicings, new chord progressions and
..well you get the picture!!!!   So GET INSPIRED and choose ONE THING that will enhance your music skills and GET STARTED TODAY! Remember
.even the man with the ONE talent could have doubled his if he had just worked with what he had!



The “Key of C” Musician

A lot of beginning musicians learn to play first in the key of C.  Since the key of C has no sharps or flats in its scale, it very easy to learn.  Here are some “Key of C” principles I want to apply to my life as a musician!

Converted to a new life in Jesus Christ.
Concrete in my personal testimony.
Confessing Christ at every opportunity.
Crystal-like in radiating Jesus in my life.
Confident of my hope in Christ Jesus.
Consistent in fulfilling my Christian responsibilities.
Concentrating on making Christ known through song.
Concerned about doing my best for the glory of the Lord.
Consecrated to the task which is mine.
Cooperative – always keeping my spirit right!
Considerate and kind to others everywhere.
Communicative and encouraging.
Committed and faithful!

EASY RUT BUSTER – Inversions


Do you find yourself using certain chords in just one position—no matter when you use that chord? I have found that to be a very common occurrence when working with students who already play.   I hear all the time “oh—I only can play that chord like this!”   Quite honestly that can hinder the smoothness of how you play and how you move from chord to chord—BUT IT CAN BE FIXED!   It’s up to you to do it!!!

Click here to go to the HELPS page and download and print out the MAJOR and MINOR  PDF chord files.  Take just 10-15 minutes EVERY DAY to play through several triads—ROOT position, First Inversion and Second Inversion—UP and DOWN the keyboard.

Here’s an easy order in which to learn them….

C  – G – F

Gm – Fm – Cm

D – Bb  – E

Dm – Am – Em

Bb – Eb – Ab

Bbm – Ebm – Abm

B – C#(Db) – F#(Gb)

Bm – C#m – F#m

Remember you don’t have to practice every triad in one day—this is a PROCESS. Don’t think of this as regression—it’s just “shoring up your music foundation!”

When you can play EVERY triad UP and DOWN the keyboard with speed with your eyes closed—you are thoroughly familiar with that triad! Try it—I PROMISE this works!!!!

Are You a “Dependable”?

What does it mean to be dependable?  To be reliable, trustworthy, loyal and dedicated!  God is looking for dependable and faithful people.

D – Dedicated to a purpose
What is your purpose?  Do you live to fulfill our purpose?
Always REMEMBER your purpose!

E – Encouraging to those less skilled
Even the man with the one talent could have doubled his talent if he
had not buried it in the ground!  Always be an encourager!

P – Patient and consistent
Stop looking for instant gratification; just keep plugging on toward your goal!

E – Eager to participate
Don’t wait to be begged before you become involved!
Be willing to contribute your reasonable service!

N – Noteworthy and significant to the cause of Christ
You may feel unworthy, but it is only what you do for Christ that will last!

D – Determined to reach your goal
Like the old song “I intend to reach the goal
that’s why I started!”

A – Authentic with no hidden agendas
Remember—whatever you do is not about you but for the glory of the Lord!  Be real!

B – Blessed to be a blessing
If you have been blessed, pay it forward by becoming a blessing to others!

L – Loyal to God and His Work
Being true to God and His people and Kingdom is rewarding!

E – Enthusiastic and ready to follow-through!
Don’t start out with a bang only to burn out within a few weeks!