Making Dents!

by Pamela T. Rentzel

It seems recently that one of the favorite phrases in our household recently is “Well, we are making a dent!”

In the past several years my husband and I seem to have made a lot of “dents” but haven’t fully demolished all our projects—yet!  Let me explain:

In 2016, the routine of our life changed drastically!  In June 2016, my husband retired from his job, but believe it or not, we became busier than ever.  In September 2016, his Mother’s health started to decline rapidly, and it became apparent that she could no longer live alone in her home.  We frantically began to look for assisted living facilities in our area, so she would be closer to us in her final years.

During that time, we began to sort out the family home they had built in 1960.  WOW!  What a job!  Every week we would drive there—about 60 miles—and spend the entire day sorting, boxing and distributing designated items in order get her home ready to sell.  It seemed to be a never-ending process!  At the same time, we continued to try to live our normal life and even began the task of “refreshing” and “updating” our own home. So, with all these different projects going on, we just endeavored to stay consistent in making small “dents” in all of them.   Finally, in the spring of 2017, we had the final estate sale and clean up on her home. We were blessed to close on the sale of the property several weeks after the first showing. 

Since she was still living, we opted not to box or dispose her personal items, so our basement was filled with stacks of boxes giving us just walking paths!

We lost his Mom in January 2018.  Once again, we started boxing and disposing the items which were no longer essential to her life.  Again, it became a process of making small “dents” in the bigger project of making our basement habitable again.

In this life lesson, it has become clear to me that in anything we set out to do in life, we just make small “dents” in order to reach our goal.  This is true in our walk with God and growing in our faith!

Making “dents” is also applicable to growing our music skills and working toward excellence so we can give our best to the Lord.

As we continue to learn and practice new scales, chords, rhythm patterns, chord progressions and “licks and tricks” we are making “dents” toward reaching our musicianship goals! 

Quite honestly, we will never be completely finished making dents in our music skills because there are always new and exciting things to learn and accomplish!

Even though the tasks you face may be overwhelming and seem unending, don’t let yourself become discouraged in what you are trying to accomplish, just be consistent in making “dents” toward your goal!!!

Philippians 3:14 – I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.


II Timothy 4: 7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.


© 2018


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