Yes! I Can!

There is a disorder which can hinder your music ability!  It’s the “Why Bother?”  Syndrome.  How often have you asked that yourself or heard that question? 

  • “I’m going to learn to read music better this year!”  “Oh, why bother? — It’s not like I’m going to play at Carnegie Hall!”
  • “I’ve got some songs that I need to get published so I’m going to find out how.”  “Oh there are so many songs out there already, why bother?”

Don’t let a “why bother” attitude in yourself or other people kill off your new ideas, plans and dreams!  Let’s get positive and tune them out!  Remember before Roger Bannister ran the 4-minute miles in 1954, experts said it was impossible.  Within months after his feat, many more runners did it.  Now hundreds have!

If you want to be a successful musician, you’ve got to stop the “Why Bother Syndrome.”  Don’t allow yourself to say “Why Bother?”  Instead say: “How can I do this?” or “What will it take to make this work?”

Sometimes old habits die hard.  Don’t let this trap of “Why Bother” cut off your progress and growth.  Squelch the nay Sayers and then DO IT!   YES I CAN!!!

Remember that:

I + M + P = S

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