Planning Your Music Year – January – December 2015

Happy New Year!
If you’re like me, I always have the illusion that once the Christmas season is over, things will slow down and I’ll get projects done which have been sitting on the shelf.  Did you notice that I said illusion? 

Those of us who live in colder climates should take advantage of any down-time to get organized and make plans for what we’d like accomplish music wise this year!

Here is an overview of 2015 ideas and special dates!

January – February – March

  • Never stop learning!  Take any down time to learn additional music theory or get out those finger and scale exercise books and practice, practice, practice!
  • Organize your music files!  If you have music scattered everywhere, you might want to take the time to download organizational articles in order to get you motivated and give you a sense of direction in getting organized.
  • Preview and learn new worship choruses. 
  • Start a new music group at your church.  How about a men’s quartet, ladies’ trio or ensemble to sing for a special occasion? 
  • Start training young musicians in your church on piano or other instruments.  Don’t forget them—they are our future Pentecostal musicians.
  • Every quarter there is one month with 5 Sundays.  Consider the possibility of a theme-focused service on the 5th Sunday of every quarter.  Feature an adult choir, ensemble, youth group, trio, duet or solo.  Many times non-church goers will attend a theme-focused service when they will not attend regular services.  Work in conjunction with your Outreach Department to use this event as a tool to reach your city!
  • March 29 is a 5th Sunday.

April – May – June

  • Easter is April 5 this year!  Start in January or February to get your music lined up and your soloists, groups, ensemble or choir ready to sing!  Give your group at least 6 to 8 weeks to get things together!
  • Mothers’ Day is May 10 and Fathers’ Day is June 21.  Don’t wait until the last minute and endure the frustration and embarrassment of having to throw something together.  Preview and plan NOW!  Remember 6 – 8 weeks to get things together!
  • Pentecost Sunday is May 24 this year!  This is also Memorial Day Weekend!
  • Plan and Prepare to Avoid the “Summertime Blues”:
    • Take summer vacation time into consideration.  Most everyone plans their vacation–find out when music team members are scheduled to be away and prepare in advance so that services run smoothly.
    • With enough preparation time, less-experienced musicians can play for a few worship services.  Begin training musicians before they are needed!  
    • Provide chord sheets to all of your fill-in musicians.
    • Encourage fill-in musicians to play in children’s church, Sunday School, youth and mid-week services to get more experience.
    • In the summer months let your choir sing “re-runs” or repertoire with which they are already familiar.  
    • Cut back practice schedule to every other week or once a month.  Don’t cut practices completely out, because it can be hard to re-motivate!
    • Use smaller groups such as duets, trios, ensembles, and chorales to fill in your music schedule.
    • Use sound tracks.
  • May 31 is a 5th Sunday

July – August – September

  • Independence Day (July 4) falls on Saturday this year, either weekend would be ideal to plan to have a youth band play a medley of patriotic tunes to celebrate the July 4 Holiday.  Preparations should start as early as possible—allow 8 –10 weeks to get things together!.  Try very easy arrangements or a medley of these tunes:
    • America
    • God Bless America
    • Battle Hymn of the Republic
    • America the Beautiful
  • August 30 is a 5th Sunday.
  • Grandparents Day is September 13
    • What a great weekend to plan a program of music, readings or poetry to honor the senior members of your congregation. 
    • How about a “Down Through the Years” program of music, poetry and readings to honor your seniors? 
    • You may want to plan a service to honor those who have been in church over 20 years.  You may want to choose a song from each decade—one you get started, you will find a lot of great “classic” or “old school” material that you haven’t heard for years! Be sure to involve your seniors in the service.

October – November – December

  • Pastor’s Appreciate Month is October!
  • Veterans Day is November 11
  • Thanksgiving is November 26
  • Christmas falls on Friday this year!  Start Christmas music practices by mid-September.  Early preparation avoids last-minute stress!  
  • January 1, 2016 falls on Friday.  Start music for Watch night Service in November.

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